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Cook on High For 13 Billion Years


modified microwave,  flint



[Exhibition Text:

'Cooking is a ritualistic act and, for some, a spiritual practice. However, the recent advancement in technology, the invention of the microwave, has taken away from this ritualism. Cooking has been made as easy as the press of a button. The microwave, as a tool, has allowed for food to be cooked fast, requiring little to no attention. 

This piece consist of four varying sizes of flint carefully positioned, and revolving, inside a microwave.

The stones resemble orbiting celestial bodies and stone circles, evoking ideas of space, time and gravity. Stone circles are thought to be sites of ritual, created by ancient civilisations as places for ceremonies, worship, burial grounds, and social gatherings. Some are carefully positioned to align with the sun, marking our connection to the universe in time and space. 

The title of this piece refers to the time it took after the Big Bang for flint to form in the universe. Using flint to create tools and start fires marked a major advancement in human technology. The ability to use tools and make fire for cooking food was a crucial step for humanity and a rite of passage for many individuals throughout history."]

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